No longer Accepting Clients

Intake Sessions and Ongoing Sessions: $175

Insurances accepted:

United Healthcare and Aetna.

*If I don’t accept your insurance, you may be eligible for reimbursement through your insurance company. I will provide a superbill so that you can receive partial or full reimbursements. Please contact your insurance rep to clarify your reimbursement benefits prior to consultation.

*Sliding scale options available for those facing financial hardships

I help high-achieving millenial women who struggle with perfectionism, anxiety, and people pleasing, create balance, maintain healthy boundaries, and live rich and fulfilling lives.

I specialize in working with clients who struggle with prioritizing themselves over others, and decision-making, those who experience high anxiety, and struggle with creative blocks because of fear of failure or success.

I help women :

  • Create and maintain healthy boundaries

  • Increase their time management skills & productivity

  • Reduce the impact of their anxiety

  • Confront people-pleasing & perfectionist behaviors

  • Ultimately increase self-confidence

I practice from a Psychodynamic lens and draw mainly from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This method is action and value-based. I provide how to accept your emotions in the moment without judgment. This method will reduce the impact of anxiety to help create a balanced and fulfilling life.  I also draw from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Narrative Therapy.


Client Session Hours:

Monday 10:00am-5:00pm

Tuesday 10:00am-5:00pm

Wednesday 10:00am-5:00pm

Office Hours

Thursday 10am-2pm

Friday: CLOSED

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED